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Notes from Jalsa Qadian

Here’s what Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) discussed in today’s Jalsa Salana Qadian

Published on December 26, 2021 at 1:06 pm

In today’s concluding session of Jalsa Salana Qadian, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba delivered a moving Khutbah from the Masroor Hall at Islamabad, Tilford. Huzooraba covered a vast array of subjects. Here we present some brief notes from today’s address. Huzoor said:

  • We claim Islamic teachings are the true teachings that create a peaceful atmosphere, but it is when we discharge the rights of people in the proper way, that we can see peace established.
  • Covid has not removed the malice in people’s hearts: it has not removed the fact that nations think that they’re better than each other and no one has reformed themselves from such a warning of God Almighty.
  • In relation to ensuring that religion remains established Islam says that do not place any allegations on any religious leader. Islam does not say that other religious leaders were untruthful, rather if they originated from the same God that we believe in, then those leaders too were truthful. Other religions consider only their religion to be true, a true Muslim should acknowledge that every nation has seen prophets. When every nation has seen prophets how can they say that such and such prophet was false, and only their one is true.
  • There exist, people, today who create false allegations on the character of the Holy Prophet Muhammadsa. However, this is the practice of non-Muslims, a true Muslim would never lay an allegation upon the character of any prophet, can a Muslim say such things, for instance, about the prophet Mosesas?
  • The Promised Messiahas states that it is not his belief that only Islam has seen prophethood, rather God sends prophets and fulfils the needs of spirituality for everyone. It is true that some nations, on occasion, see the decline of prophethood in their people, and prophethood is bestowed to another nation instead, but all nations have enjoyed prophethood at one point or another. Even Raja Ramchander and Krishna were righteous men of God.
  • From small social fights to large enemy onslaughts, you should either forgive or punish—after such there should be no malice left in hearts. Allah the Almighty says that the recompense of wrongdoing is equal to that which is committed. Do not increase enmity so much that it grows to a level of not being able to forgive. Remember punishment is not so that malice continues rather so that society is reformed: reformation is the real objective. Either through punishment or through forgiveness.
  • People speak against the Promised Messiahas and the Holy Prophetsa, this perhaps destroys peace, but it can never create it. However, our teaching is to respect every religious leader and we must always adhere to this.
  • Due to not understanding the history of Islam, people think Islam is a hateful religion.
  • If God wanted everyone to be a Muslim then it was within His power to make such a thing happen. If religion was forced upon them then such a claim would not have been made. The fact that God Almighty says that if He wished everyone could have been a Muslim proves that everyone is free to accept or not to accept the teachings of Islam. When God did not force anyone then no one can force someone to become a Muslim.
  • This teaching is for your benefit, if you accept it is good, if you do not then your matter is with God. Islam does not force its teachings on anyone, this is the belief of extremist clerics only that they seek to force this teaching on people.
  • Unfortunately, examples of enmity from the Times of Ignorance we see today. If you wish to establish peace, then this is the teaching to which you should adhere to.
  • Islam teaches us that we should have sympathy with the oppressor and the oppressed. We should stop the oppressor from committing wrongdoing. It is incorrect to side with the oppressor, or the oppressed so much that it turns him into the oppressor.
  • God Almighty states that ill-intent destroys the peace of society.
  • To say things in society that result in the humiliation of others, or which proves someone to have negative traits, in society is not part of true Islamic teaching.
  • Once during the time of Hazrat Umarra, a Muslim was judged to be guilty of murder. Before his execution, he said that he wanted some time to return home and discharge the trusts people had assigned to him. He said that another companion would be his guarantor. He left and did not return for a long time. When the time of his incident arrived, people began to get anxious about his return. The companion who that man had appointed as a guarantor was asked by his friends as to whether he even knew the man, the companion (Hazrat Abu Dhar Ghaffarira) said that he did not and that the man had put his trust in him, so why should he not put his trust in him. Then people saw the man return from a distance, who when arriving said, that he had many trusts to discharge which resulted in some delay and that he was now ready to face punishment. This had such an effect on people that he was forgiven for his crime.
  • In another incident, a companion wanted to buy a horse from another companion who placed a price of 200 dinars on it. However, the companion who intended to buy the horse said that it was worth much more than this and that he would pay more, the seller said that he did not wish to take charity so would not accept anything more than 200. This was the standard of integrity and honesty we find in companions. People today would say that such a person was, God forbid, foolish for not taking free money. But they forget that the companion cared more for Islamic teachings than money.
  • Islam teaches us to take care of every poor person and to not neglect their rights. In today’s times, the richer nations take the wealth of the poor and then do not help them.
  • The Holy Qur’an says that curses be upon those who do injustice when selling and when they measure they give less.
  • The other ill in society which destroys peace is arrogance. Allah the Almighty states that do not walk on the earth with a proud walk, you cannot tear up the earth you cannot reach the mountains.
  • People should remember that there is an entire society around them, without which they cannot function, those people who someone may see with contempt are in reality his helpers—his life cannot be easy without them. Therefore, being strict and considering others beneath you will drive people away.
  • Even if someone is oppressed, he should not go around mentioning his oppression as it ruins the entire nation. If you wish to resolve the issue, go to the relevant department, and wait for the decision. Both the oppressed is given a code of conduct by Islam so that he does not end up being the oppressor.
  • If you believe in the Oneness of God then you will not be an oppressor, all relations in the Holy Qur’an which deserve one’s sympathy are mentioned alongside parents, this means that one should go towards Ihsan (goodwill) to such an extent that it becomes the same as his Ihsan towards parents.
  • A lot of the issues in society are due to anger. Do not get lost in anger so much that there is no recompense to forgiveness. Allah the Almighty states in the Holy Qur’an that true Muslims are those who suppress their anger whenever it arises. The one who gets angry reduces his wisdom. Wisdom and anger cannot be collected in one mind. However, when there is a continuing offender, he should be punished, but such punishment should not be out of malice, rather put an end to some act of aggression or crime.
  • If choosing forgiveness and oppressing anger, you should do Ihsan.
  • If this is adopted an extraordinarily good atmosphere of peace can be created.
  • Ihsan is not our behaviour according to what the other does with us, it is irrespective of this. Be better with others.
  • Love God such there is no care for heaven and hell. The love a mother has for a son means that there is no care for Ihsan or getting anything in return.
  • The morals where people meet with fake-ness, such that they have good words on their tongue yet in their hearts they have malice, are not true morals at all and can never lead to peace.
  • Improve your prayers and improve your standards of righteousness.

Huzooraba then concluded the Khutbah with Dua.


Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V Inaugurates Jalsa Salana 2021

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba at the Inauguration of Jalsa Salana 2021 in Hadeeqatul-Mahdi, stated:

“It was not possible in the previous year, due to Covid, to hold Jalsa. This year too the conditions are quite similar, they are somewhat better but restrictions are still in place as they alternate between strict and relaxed. Nevertheless, it was decided that Jalsa should take place even at a smaller scale so that by attending this Jalsa people can quench their spiritual thirst and can benefit. In the same way volunteers too, who hold a passion to serve the guests of the Promised Messiahas, can gain the blessings of Allah by discharging their responsibilities.

This was the desire of the volunteers too, though at some point some Officers gave the impression that they do not believe that a Jalsa can take place, which is why sometimes a lapse in organisation was exhibited. However, I said to them that whether Jalsa is on a large scale or whether it takes place on a small scale, it will certainly take place, so that the training of the volunteers continues.

In principle what should have happened was that during the year, some workers should have been called and trained. In Rabwah due to the restrictions of the government, for years Jalsa has not taken place, however, they still train the workers in some manner. Therefore, if a long time passes in which no activities take place, it leads to laziness and forgetfulness.


By the grace of Allah the Almighty, the volunteers here are very well trained, there is no question of them forgetting after a year. However, due to some restrictions some difficulties may be faced by those serving. For some there will be no issue. Due to a decrease in attendance the hygiene, sanitisation and cleanliness departments may not find an increase in their work.  However, the weather has become such that it will not cause a decrease in the amount of work. It will be important to take care of cleanliness especially in the restrooms and toilets.

In the same way traffic management may not have to face the pressure [due to attendance], but I will say here again that due to the weather and due to the shortage of some facilities they may have to face people’s frustration—at such time it will be important to show tolerance.

A new discipline will be needed at the organisation for food, and distance should be kept. Food should be distributed adhering to [social] distancing. Previously people would crowd for food and would stand next to each other when eating, but now distance should be kept between people and those on duty should implement this in a loving way—explaining everything to people: no guest should become upset.

As for other tasks such as preparing Rotis or preparing food, it is the grace of Allah that our workers are now so well trained that whether it is a small Jalsa or a Jalsa of hundreds-of-thousands, they can cater to that need.

In these days, Allah the Almighty has given you the opportunity to serve the guests of Jalsa and to renew the decrease in Tarbiyyat owing to the gap of a year, to polish it anew and become stronger in it.

Discharge your duties whilst thanking Allah. Not much needs to be said. May Allah the Almighty enable you all to discharge your duties in the best way and that which I always say is the most important matter: focus on prayers during these days and observe your prayers on time. May Allah the Almighty enable you to serve in the best way.”

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