It’s Only an Hour, But its Impact Lasts Forever
We spoke to Khuddam at today’s Birmingham Virtual Mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) at Darul-Barakat Mosque. Khuddam knew the importance and impact that such Mulaqats have on their lives.

Students aged between 16-19 from Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK had the blessed opportunity to be part of a virtual Mulaqat with Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba today. 60 Khuddam from the Midland regions gathered in Darul-Barakat Mosque Birmingham to gain invaluable guidance from Huzooraba. Most had not been part of a Mulaqat or any gathering with Huzoor since before the pandemic. Others told us about the significance of this Mulaqat for them personally. Yesterday a Virtual Mulaqat of Khuddam in the London regions took place in Baitul Futuh Mosque in which close to a dozen questions were presented to Huzoor individually by Khuddam who took much solace in them being answered by their Khalifah.

At yesterday’s Virtual Mulaqat in Baitul Futuh hundreds of Khuddam were eager to see Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V and came from all parts of London.

Mirza Hashim Ahmad asked Huzoor (aba) about advice on studying medicine. A light hearted moment that he will remember forever.
A similar atmosphere was found in Birmingham today, we spoke to Khuddam about their feelings prior to the Mulaqat and what they wanted to get out of this gathering and found an eagerness in them to see and interact with Huzooraba. Ahmad Sadiq, 17, from Walsall said:
“I saw Huzoor a long time ago, almost 2 years ago now. Not being able to see him for long is really upsetting and this is my first opportunity for a Mulaqat. Today I hope to gain better understanding of Ahmadiyyat and Islam. I’m looking forward to listening to the answers Huzooraba gives to Khuddam as they will be beneficial to me as well”
Khaqan Ahmad, 17, from Birmingham West who is a Waqfe-Nau and hoping to go into medicine said:
“Last time I was in a Mulaqat was a few years ago when I was a tifl so this Mulaqat holds great significance for me as it is my first Mulaqat as a Khadim. To me the Khalifah of the time means a universal leader, a leader for everyone and not just Muslims. I was really impacted by Huzoor’s last Friday Sermon on Talay Sahib Shaheed and I want to ask him how we can also become a beloved of Huzooraba.”
Khaqan also told us that Huzoor’s Khutbah inspired him to be more passionate and inculcated a unique sense of love for the Khalifah of the time. Undoubtedly, for Khaqan and so many others it was clear that this Mulaqat would shape their futures.
Mohtamim Tarbiyyat, Attique-ur-Rahman explained the importance of Khuddam to be part of these Mulaqats. He said:
“Today’s Mulaqat is important because after having two years of just seeing Huzoor visually – delivering sermons etc. these Khuddam needed an opportunity to continue to advance their relationship with Khilafat in a setting where they could have a conversation with him. We have already seen the benefits these Mulaqats have been having on Khuddam and Atfal that have been a part of Mulaqats across the global Jama’at and how their life has been impacted. It has been like a kickstart for Khuddam, they have been motivated from these Mulaqats to serve the Jama’at in a better way and to become a better person.”
Labeed Butter, 19, from Walsall who is starting university soon explained to us that he wanted to gain a deeper understanding of Islam after speaking to his local Murrabi, thus he wanted to be part of this Mulaqat. He told us he was spiritually motivated and wanted to be the first to speak to Huzooraba today.

Virtual Mulaqat prep in Birmingham earlier this morning today.
Yesterday’s Mulaqat in Baitul Futuh saw an enthusiastic group of Khuddam eager to meet and learn from their beloved Khalifah. Indeed these gatherings are unique and remembered forever—as such one should never underestimate the impact that this hour will have on all those part of the Mulaqat, especially the youngsters who are in such a key developmental stage of their lives.
Sanctions: How They Should Work
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) has reminded the world multiple times that sanctions that are levied against nations hit the poor people the hardest and that in times of war nations should come together to address the underlying issues and justice should prevail.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) has reminded the world multiple times that sanctions that are levied against nations hit the poor people the hardest. He has reiterated that in times of war, nations should come together to address the underlying issues and justice should prevail. Check out the infographic above to see how sanctions impact the world we live in.
To download the infographic, click here.
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V Inaugurates Islamabad Convenience Store

On the 1st of April 2022, after Asr Namaz, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) inaugurated the MKA Tuck Shop in Islamabad. Huzoor (aba) opened the Homeopathic Dispensary adjacent to the Tuck Shop before gracing the Khuddam store. Huzoor (aba) unveiled a plaque and led everyone in silent prayer after which Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif, Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat, Umar Hassan, and Motamid Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Nassar Bhatti, had the opportunity to show Huzoor (aba) the store and its wares.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) unveils the plaque outside the Convenience Store.

Huzoor (aba) leading Silent Prayer after opening the Store.

Sadr Sahib MKA UK and Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat have the blessed opportunity to present the Store to Huzoor (aba).
Huzoor (aba) graced Khuddam with his precious time and distributed sweets to children who had gathered outside.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) graces Naib Mohtamim Isha’at, Mudabbir Din, with his attention.
Immediately after Huzoor (aba) stepped outside the store, Huzoor (aba) was informed by Sadr Sahib about the Khuddam present with Huzoor (aba) speaking to a few as well. All those who had gathered were greatly moved by Huzoor’s presence.
This tuck shop will Insha’Allah serve as a small convenience store for the residents of Islamabad and visitors. The Homeopathy Dispensary has also opened alongside the MKA Tuck Shop.
20 Years of Warnings
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) has been warning of an impending world crisis for a long time and has traveled the world spreading the message of the Promised Messiah (as).

For 20 years, the Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) has been warning of an impending world crisis. Check out the infographic above to see a range of his addresses and sayings.
To download the infographics, click here.