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Compassion for Others

Extract taken from Durr-i-Maknun (Some Hidden Pearls) by Hazrat Mirza Bashir Ahmad [ra] pages 25- 28

Published on January 2, 2017 at 2:09 pm
Photo: Oliver-Eyth

In fact the heart of the Promised Messiah [as] was so extremely and extraordinarily full of sympathy and fellow-feeling for mankind, quite irrespective of class, colour, or creed, that like the water of a mountain spring, flowing down-hill, its vigorous and sweeping flow remained constant and quite uninterrupted.

Hazrat Munshi Zafar Ahmad [ra] of Kapurthala, who was a very old and close companion of the Promised Messiah [as], relates that once, from a remote part of Manipur, Assam, two men, non-Ahmadies, came to Qadian to see the Promised Messiah [as], having been drawn by something they had happened to hear about him from some source. Arriving at the guest house, they asked the attendants to take their luggage out of the yekka (country conveyance) and to put for them a charpai, to sit on and rest. But these attendants did not give immediate attention to them, and moved in connection with something, after they said to these guests: “Take your luggage out of the yekka, and a charpai will be soon coming”. The tired and worn out guests took this reply to heart, and in the heat of their resentment they immediately started on their way back to Batala.

But when the Promised Messiah [as] heard of the incident he at once started for Batala after them, in such haste that it was with difficulty he put on his shoes, walking with swift and rapid strides. Some of his disciples and servants also walked with him, one among whom was Munshi Zafar Ahmad himself. The Promised Messiah [as] walked so fast that he overtook them at a distance of about two or two and half miles from Qadian, at the canal bridge on the way. He [as] requested them to retrace their steps to Qadian, saying that he had been greatly pained by what had happened, apologising profusely for the indifference which the guest house attendants had shown towards them.

“You ride in the yekka”, he [as] urged them, “and I will walk alongside, on foot.”

They at last agreed to return to Qadian, but they did not accept the later part of the Promised Messiah [as] request, that they ride in the yekka while he walked alongside on foot. Reaching the guest house, he himself extended his hand for unloading their luggage, but his friends and attendants sprang forward for the purpose. Then the Promised Messiah [as] sat with them, talking to them with great consideration and affection. He [as] inquired if there was anything they particularly favoured in their diet; and he remained talking to them until their meal was brought and served before them. The next day, when the two guests were about to depart, the Promised Messiah [as] sent for two glasses of milk, and offered to them with much consideration and affection. Then he walked with them about two, or two and half miles, to see them off, where he asked them to take seats on the yekka, and it was only then he returned to Qaidian. (Ashaab-e-Ahmad, Vol. IV)

This high standard of regard and consideration for others, his own humility of disposition,  his hospitality towards guests, and the feelings of brotherliness on the part of the Promised Messiah [as], as reflected in this incident, is one which does not stand in need of any comment.
