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Khilafat—He Shall Breathe Life Into The Dead (Literally)

How to strengthen your relationship with Khilafat

By Hasoor Ahmad Bhatti, Masroor Region
Published on December 17, 2021 at 4:50 pm

Many of our Atfal and young Khuddam have been raised in a western society where there are a myriad of various inclinations, activities and temptations that can take us away from the right path. As a result, our relationship with Khilafat becomes all the more important to ensure we can continue to live our lives in accordance with the teachings of Islam. Khilafat is without doubt one of the biggest blessings that Allah the Almighty has blessed us with and it is our duty to ensure we try our best to strengthen our bond with Khilafat. The question arises as to how this can be achieved.

Firstly, we should try and understand why it is important for us to strengthen our relationship with Khilafat. To do so, we should observe the example of the companions of our beloved Prophet Muhammadsa. Throughout their entire lives they were obedient to the Prophetsa and never neglected his commands, Allah the Almighty blessed them with many victories and their struggles reaped great rewards. They received the Help, Mercy and Grace of Allah in all aspects of their lives. On the contrary, those who opposed and disobeyed the Holy Prophetsa, and later the Khulafa-e-Rashideen, their lives were filled with difficulty, their evil plans were made useless, and they went astray.

We see from this example that obedience to the Khulafa is of paramount importance for all followers of Islam. The Holy Qur’an mentions that the Khalifah is appointed by Allah and so disobedience to the Khalifah is disobedience to Allah the Almighty. Therefore, for us to show our obedience to Allah, it’s important for us to obey the directions and instructions of our beloved Huzooraba.

In addition to fulfilling our obligations to Allah, there are countless examples of how a strong relationship with Khilafat has brought blessings to members of the community even in the bleakest of times. A personal example of this was when I wrote to Huzoor-e-Aqdasaba about the recent A-level grade crisis. I had no real hope that I would be able to achieve the required grades to go to my first-choice university, but, due to the prayers of Huzooraba and Allah’s blessings, the government changed its grading method and I received the required grades. Miracles like this have occurred innumerable times impacting people in all sorts of situations and I am sure that if you have been writing letters to Huzooraba regularly you have seen the blessings that can be attained yourself.

Apart from writing letters to Huzooraba, we must carefully and regularly listen to the Friday sermon and other addresses of Huzoor-e-Aqdasaba and harness his advice and guidance to better our lives. We should make it a practice to ask Huzoor’saba advice whenever we are about to make important decisions so that Huzoor’saba blessings and prayers are with us. If we succeed at this, then we will surely have pleased Allah the Almighty while also strengthening our ties with Khilafat.

Another incident in this regard relates to my mother who resides in Pakistan. She was ill for a while and suddenly fell unconscious. The family was informed by the doctors that she would pass-away soon so all we could do now was pray for her. My plan was to go to Pakistan in the next 4 to 5 days but upon hearing this news, I booked a flight for the very next day. I planned the timings so that my flight was a little later in the day, allowing me to have a mulaqat with Huzooraba. Huzooraba was concerned and asked why I was meeting him so early and if everything was alright with my marriage which it was Alhamdulillah. He then asked why I was going to Pakistan so I explained the situation regarding my mother. Huzooraba said Insha’Allah everything would be fine. Once I left the mulaqat, I informed my sister in Pakistan straight away that Huzooraba had prayed for our mother and given us some Tabarruk. While my mother was unconscious, my sister whispered in her ears that your son had a mulaqat with beloved Huzooraba and requested for prayers and has been given Tabarruk. Just a few hours later, while I was still at the airport, my mother regained consciousness and I spoke to her over the phone. I was shocked by how fast our beloved Huzoor’saba prayers had been accepted. Once I reached Pakistan, I spoke to my mother and she told me that when my sister had informed her about the meeting with Huzooraba her body twitched and that was the point when she started getting better. Alhamdulillah, Allah had granted her health and recovery thanks to the prayers of the Khalifah.

There are numerous examples of how Khuddam can connect with Huzooraba and there are perhaps millions of examples where Ahmadis across the world have benefitted from this connection. May Allah allow us all to obey our beloved Huzooraba and strengthen our relationship with Khilafat.


MKA National Ijtema 2022

At a time when everyone is feeling the blues after the success of Jalsa Salana UK 2022, the perfect antidote is just around the corner. The National Khuddam and Atfal Ijtema 2022 will be taking place on the 9th, 10th and 11th of September 2022 at Old Park Farm in Kingsley.

This is a perfect opportunity for all Khuddam and Atfal across the country to come together and enjoy the extensive array of academics, activities, discussion and food planned for the entire weekend. Additionally, it’s a great way for Khuddam to rekindle lost friendships after the pandemic.

Our world has taken a turn towards mischief and society is increasingly moving further away from their Lord. The responsibility of bringing the world back to God rests on the shoulders of the youth of today. This duty is arduous and cannot be undertaken unless self-reformation is brought on first. The National Ijtema is a means of directing the Ahmadi Youth of today towards their duties and responsibilities as Ahmadi Muslims.

Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said on the occasion of the National Ijtema in 2013,

“It is the Ahmadi Muslim youths who will be the means of leading others towards success and true freedom. To do this, you must learn about your faith so that you can display the highest moral standards in all aspects of your lives. Only when you strive for such high standards will you be able to paint the true picture of peaceful Islam for the people of the world.”

And the statement of Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmud Ahmad (ra) – who founded Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya – that “Nations cannot be reformed without the reformation of their youth” sets forth such a profound philosophy for all Nations to come. And it is at Ijtema that the youth of Ahmadiyyat can foster these qualities within themselves to become the guiding forces for the future generations.

This year we have a lot to offer all attendees including the academic competitions, exhibitions, indoor and outdoor competitive and non-competitive sports, interactive discussions on hot topics and inspiring talks on the issues that are affecting our young people across the whole country. And of course, National Ijtema would not be complete without The Hub. This year, we have lots of fun and engaging activities taking place in The Hub, and we’re not just talking about the café with Waffles, Ice Cream and Milk Shakes… come and test your mettle with the Scalextric F1 racing challenge and the PlayStation racing experience. Ask a Murabbi your burning questions or take a seat and Chit Chat Chai about Islam, metaphysics and other contemporary issues.

We have all of the usual outdoor team sports taking place such as Football, Volleyball, Cricket, and Tug of war, as well as individual sports competitions such as 100m race and Strong man competition. For indoor sports competitions, we have Weight Lifting, Basketball, Table Tennis and Armed Forces Activities just to name a few.

Unlike last year when we couldn’t offer accommodation to all Khuddam and Atfal due to Covid restrictions, this year we are making necessary arrangements with necessary amenities for our Khuddam and Atfal brothers to stay on-site if they wish to do so. Sanitised mattresses will be provided and those wishing to stay overnight must bring their own bedding.

Due to the still prevalent Covid pandemic, we are still keeping in place some measures to keep all of the attendees safe during the weekend. Wear a mask, keep a safe distance and try to refrain from handshaking and hugging. On arrival, you need to provide proof of a negative LFT no less than 24 hours old so please register your negative LFT on NHS Website before you leave for the Ijtema. We will put a sticker on your AIMS card, and this will give you access to the Ijtema site for the next 3 days.

One of the highlights of the National Ijtema is to spend time in the company of our Beloved Imam, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (aba) so we can elevate our spirituality and increase our love for Khilafat. We were blessed to have the blessed company of Huzoor (aba) in last year’s Ijtema. This year again we are fortunate that InshaAllah Huzoor (aba) will be gracing us with his presence and we can once again benefit from the blessed company and guidance of Beloved Huzoor (aba).

We look forward to welcoming you to the National Ijtema in less than 24 hours! Please visit to register today and visit for more details about the Ijtema and to access the interactive academic syllabus. Please reach out to your local/Regional Qaid Sahib if you have any questions or email [email protected].


Follow us on Twitter (@UKMuslimYouth) and Instagram (AMYA.UK) for the latest information and content.


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Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V Inaugurates Islamabad Convenience Store

On the 1st of April 2022, after Asr Namaz, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) inaugurated the MKA Tuck Shop in Islamabad. Huzoor (aba) opened the Homeopathic Dispensary adjacent to the Tuck Shop before gracing the Khuddam store.  Huzoor (aba) unveiled a plaque and led everyone in silent prayer after which Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Abdul Quddus Arif, Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat, Umar Hassan, and Motamid Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK, Nassar Bhatti, had the opportunity to show Huzoor (aba) the store and its wares.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) unveils the plaque outside the Convenience Store.


Huzoor (aba) leading Silent Prayer after opening the Store.


Sadr Sahib MKA UK and Mohtamim Sanat-o-Tijarat have the blessed opportunity to present the Store to Huzoor (aba).

Huzoor (aba) graced Khuddam with his precious time and distributed sweets to children who had gathered outside.

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) graces Naib Mohtamim Isha’at, Mudabbir Din, with his attention.

Immediately after Huzoor (aba) stepped outside the store, Huzoor (aba) was informed by Sadr Sahib about the Khuddam present with Huzoor (aba) speaking to a few as well. All those who had gathered were greatly  moved by Huzoor’s presence.

This tuck shop will Insha’Allah serve as a small convenience store for the residents of Islamabad and visitors. The Homeopathy Dispensary has also opened alongside the MKA Tuck Shop.

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Wars will Stop when the World Turns to the Promised Messiah Says Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V

In today’s Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) once again reminded Ahmadis around the world to pray for an end to the current crisis.

In today’s Friday Sermon, Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba once again reminded Ahmadis around the world to pray for an end to the current crisis. Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V stated:

Pray that Allah the Almighty grants both sides of the conflict proper understanding and they stop this murder of humanity. 

Huzooraba further commented that Muslims should learn from the unity that the West has displayed in condemning the war:

Muslims should learn from this war. The [West] has become united, yet Muslims, despite belonging to one creed, never unite. They had one country destroyed; Iraq was destroyed, Syria was destroyed, Yemen is being destroyed—they cause this destruction through outsiders and are doing it themselves too, instead of being united. At the very least the Muslims should learn, from the West, how to be united.

Huzoor reiterated his continuous message that there will only be peace in the world when the world accepts the Imam of the Age—the Promised Messiahas:

May Allah have mercy on these nations, the Muslim nations and on the Muslim Ummah. This can only happen however, when these people accept the Imam of the Age who has been sent for this very purpose.

May Allah grant them understanding, and where they [the Muslims] reform themselves may they also pray and use their means to stop the world from wars, rather than themselves become embroiled in them. 

Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih Vaba has been warning of an impending world crisis for a long time and has travelled the world spreading the message of the Promised Messiahas.

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