A Khadim shares his experience of performing the Hifazat-e-Markaz duty.
What guidelines has Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) outlined for Khuddamul Ahmadiyya?
A Khadim here narrates his experience of Khalifatul-Masih gracing the regional Ijtema of the then Muqami Region (now Fazl Mosque Region).
Khilafat has always been a source of solace to Muslims. Here is a very brief history of Khilafat.
A guide on building a strong relationship with Khilafat
Qaideen Forum 2021
A Murabbi narrates anecdotes from staying in Islamabad during the pandemic
How to strengthen your relationship with Khilafat
The theme for the Khuddam year beginning now is "Honouring our Pledge". It's time to start evaluating whether we're fulfilling the promise we've been making.