The Iconic Tarbiyyati Class Begins—and Yes it is Life Changing

The iconic Khuddamul Ahmadiyya tarbiyyati class started yesterday with 100 young Khuddam and Atfal arriving to begin the week-long retreat at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK. The history of this class goes back decades with many Khuddam having been once part of it. The tarbiyyati class is no ordinary retreat, it is life changing. The effect that one week of regular tahajjud (voluntary prayer offered during the night), regular congregational prayers and regular recitation of the Holy Qur’an has upon an individual is truly immense. Attendees go back having been rejuvenated through a spiritual programme. Students are also sent to offer Fajr prayers behind Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) at Islamabad, something which further enhances the spiritual benefit of the class.
Some of the tarbiyyati classes in the UK, that were held previously, were graced with the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IV and Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V. Though these classes have been taking place for a long time, it was only recently that the week long retreat, under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK began. Immediately it was a huge success. Those attending went back with a renewed approach to life, with many applying to become Murrabis in Jamia Ahmadiyya. This was almost 10 years ago. Today, some of those students who attended the first week-long retreat are serving in the field as missionaries.

The study pack given to every student at this year’s Winter Retreat.
This year the focus is on 14-16 year olds. A custom curriculum tailored to the subjects and topics of discussion for that particular age-group has been formed and is being delivered. The classes are divided based on academic ability and an effort is made to maximise the time every Tifl and Khadim is here for.

Students in the middle of a lesson at Jamia Ahmadiyya UK.
Nazime-Ala, Atif Khalil who is serving as Naib Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK and is leading the retreat said: “Atfal and Khuddam are taking time off their holidays to come here and spend time which will hopefully recharge them and refresh them. In the past it has been a life changing experience for many of them and that is what we are trying to achieve.”

Every evening a guest is invited to deliver a lecture before the students on topics which they will encounter in their daily lives.
Apart from a spiritual programme of prayers, another special aspect of the class is mentoring. This takes place in small groups with a Jamia student leading a discussion on different topics. This is an ideal opportunity for youngsters to ask questions and discuss matters on their. The mentoring element of the class has been one of the most successful as it has proven to be an ideal method to deliver Tarbiyyat.
With the class having just begun, Inshallah, the organisers hope to inspire another cohort of young Muslims under the guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba).
Kicking Off the Year – Khadim Style

The National Ijtema Sports day for Northern Regions is currently underway in Bradford at Dixons Allerton Academy, and the Khuddam and Atfal present here are thoroughly enjoying all the activities and sessions that are taking place.
Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK is holding this sports day on the instructions of Huzooraba after sports at the National Ijtema 2022 were cancelled due to the demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as a mark of respect. Huzooraba instructed the Majlis that the sports that were due to take place at the Ijtema should be organised as soon as possible for the benefit of all Khuddam and Atfal that missed out. Subsequently, it was decided for the Majlis to hold 2 sports days – one for the northern regions (taking place today) and another for the southern regions (date to be announced).
Registration started at 8am with Khuddam and Atfal arriving from all around the northern parts of the UK with breakfast served in the marquees set up onsite. The event started at 10am with an opening session chaired by the Nazime Ala Sahib Ijtema, Tariq Hayat Sahib. The plan for the day was announced by Mohtamim Sahib Sehate-Jismani, Abdur Rauf Lodhi Sahib.
Football and Cricket for Khuddam and Atfal took place in grass fields and netball courts. Tarbiyyat ‘Chit Chat Chai’ were held at the auditorium, alongside outdoor and indoor sports, on topics such as relationships, the key to paradise, and working hard or hardly working. The first talk covered a wide range of questions in relation to how Khuddam should approach the idea of getting married, how to decide on the type of spouse that they desire, the qualities they should look for and the attitude they adopt going into the process.
After Namaz-e-Zuhr and Ask a short Talqeen-e-Amal session took place which was on the topic of Namaz. This was followed by a continuation of sports. So far Khuddam and Atfal are finding this it to be a good opportunity to begin the year with an activity that binds the Majlis together in a spirit of brotherhood. The final session is due to take place after Maghrib Namaz, where winning teams will be given prizes by Sadr Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya. The Khuddam and Atfal attendance at the Sports Day is 780, Alhamdulillah.
Here is some of the feedback from the Khuddam on today’s event.
A Khadim form North West, Abdul Ghalib Sahib, said that “The event has been really good so far, I enjoyed coming together with Khuddam again after the sports were previously cancelled at the Ijtema due to the demise of the Queen”. Another khadim, Waheed Ahmad, said that “It was good that Majlis has found a window to hold such an important event of the Khuddam year”. Another khadim from Scotland said that “It is important for Ahmadi youth to come together, build a sense of togetherness and develop brotherhood.”