Moments From History: Jalsa Musleh-e-Maud

In 1944, Khalifatul-Masih IIra, after receiving divine guidance, claimed to be the Musleh Maud that the Promised Messiahas had prophecied. To commemorate the fulfilment of a grand prophecy, Jalsas were arranged in which Hazrat Musleh Maudra announced his claim. The photo on the left is from the Jalsa Musleh Maud in Delhi, 1944. Hazrat Musleh Maudra can be seen standing in the centre of the stage. His son, (Hazrat) Mirza Tahir Ahmad, who later became the Khalifatul-Masih IVrh can be seen seated to his right. There are a number of other elders in the photograph all of whom can be seen with a look of devotion upon their faces for the Khalifah of the time.
Tabligh at Wimbledon Championships — From the July 1997 publication

Sadr Sahib wanted to use the 1997 Wimbledon Championships as a means of promoting to an audience which he had never previously targeted. Huzooraba said that the intention of our activities should be to show the visitors to the Championships that we are not the stereo-typed Muslims which they have seen in the media… In this way, we would be able to convey a powerful image of the true Islam.
A team of Khuddam led by Naseer Khan got together and ran the event. The team lived for 3 weeks at the Khuddam office at Hardwicks Way. During this time they worked around the clock with little or no sleep in order to formulate their plans and put these into action. The main objectives of the initiative were to:
- Setup and run an exhibition depicting the achievements of the Jama’at in a powerful and impactful manner.
- Provide refreshments to people camping overnight for tickets to Wimbledon.
- Organise and run guided tours of the London Mosque where another exhibition would be set up depicting the history of the site.
A shop was acquired at a prime site on Wimbledon Park Road, just outside Southfields Station. By the Grace of Allah, this shop had just been bought by 2 Khuddam who were seeking to launch a business from it. However, they willingly offered the premises to Khuddamul Ahmadiyya UK to host the exhibition from. A huge 30 foot banner was put up outside the shop which read “Welcome to the Wimbledon Championships- Greetings from the London Mosque, Ahmadiyya Muslim Association UK”.
As the banner was unfolded for the first time, it was met by claps from the locals who thoroughly enjoyed the message.
The Khuddam team spent their evenings providing hot drinks and biscuits to the visitors to Wimbledon who were camped outside. As they did this they engaged in long talks with the visitors, presenting an Islam which was totally new and unknown to most of them.
Many visitors left their camps for a short time to visit the Fazl Mosque. Groups of Atfal were dressed in uniform and could be seen everywhere. The locals said that it was as if the Ahmadis had totally taken over the area as the scale of their presence was so impressive.
One individual entered the fold of the Community simply from seeing how well the Khuddam worked as a team, and the way they conducted themselves.
Notes left in the visitors book read: “It is interesting, one can feel the love for others.” (Shirley Monro, UK)
“Enjoyed learning about something new and beautiful.” (Tammy King, Canada)
Moral Ethics – Address of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih IV (rh) to Atfalul Ahmadiyya UK at the Annual Atfal Rally in 1993

“I will now turn briefly to another point. Righteousness and self confidence. You have advantages from living in a powerful and advanced country of the world but you have disadvantages also. There are good points and bad points. The bad points are cultural and moral deterioration. The British people do not realise that culture is something that can be totally disassociated from moral responsibility. In the name of culture they feel they can do anything and no one can stop them or restrict them. They feel they are free to do whatever they please, with the result, that they step into areas which Allah forbids. They trespass religious code and ethics in the name of culture and freedom. They violate the Word of God and moral principles which are accepted universally. This is an area of danger and I must warn you of it. I have come across some cases of children who go astray in teenage years to lead a life not of goodness but are told that they are free to do what they want. [As if they are told] who are your parents and religious leaders to tell you what to do? You are free, it’s a free country, enjoy yourself. This is the insinuation of what they are told by teachers and other students and they do not understand the underlying trap in this teaching. So I must warn you against this type of philosophy of freedom. They are talking of freedom in an area which does not belong to them. They say God and parents have no right to interfere in that area. It is similar to your parents telling you that you are free as a person, so why respect the laws of England or any other country. You may do what you please. You may steal, mug people, bribe and be bribed – enjoy yourself, this country is yours, this is your land and no one can stop you. If your parents were to teach you this will the society accept it? Will they not react and call it a rebellion against the law of the land? They certainly would as this is their area where they enjoy strength and power. And that will be their reaction if someone from elsewhere interferes in their area of command, and yet they shamelessly interfere where they have no right to. They interfere in the area of God’s commandments, and religious ethics and moral values. The area that belongs to your parents and religious leaders [in such matters] you should listen to them. This should be clearly understood.”
Moments From History – The First Adhan And Namaz In Paris

30 October 1924 was a rainy day in Paris. As Hazrat Musleh Maudra walked into the first mosque of the city (which was under construction) many people gathered around him in awe. The officer incharge of construction proceeded to accompany Huzoorra to the Mehrab, which had been cleaned out so that prayer could be offered. Huzoorra instructed Hazrat Hafiz Roshan Alira to call the Adhan – the first in a Paris mosque. After the Adhan was called Hazrat Musleh Maudra lead the Zuhr and Asr prayers; these were the first congregational prayers offered in the first mosque of Paris, France.
In this photo Hazrat Musleh Maudra inspects the Mosque during its construction. This is a photo from the same day.