05:30 (GMT-6) – We landed at Guatemala City Airport, went through border control, and collected our bags. Whilst waiting for some of us who went to...
11:30- All the members taking part in the Tabligh trip to Guatemala gathered in Islamabad, Tilford. Upon the request of Sadr MKA UK, beloved Huzoor (aba)...
A Murabbi narrates anecdotes from staying in Islamabad during the pandemic
1938 marks the year of the establishment of Khuddamul Ahmadiyya by Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin Mahmood Ahmadra, The Promised Son. Initially, its aim was to encourage young...
The Qaid of Dundee Qiadat shares his experience of Khilafat in relation to the acceptance of prayer
Exploring the various ways in which the Khulafa-e-Ahmadiyyat have contributed to science
A young Khadim shares a personal account on the guidance he received from Huzoor (aba)
A young Khadim from London shares an inspiring incident he experienced during the lockdown.
The incident that I share below relates to the birth of my son. In December 2015, me and my wife were expecting. I had been taking...
A Khadim shares his experience of performing the Hifazat-e-Markaz duty.