Whenever the month of Ramadan reappears, the concept of the Islamic fast raises several questions within the non-Muslim community. Muslims are often questioned as to why...
Translation of the final part of the Friday Sermon of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) delivered on 7 May 2021 at Islamabad, Tilford.
In This Week with Huzoor broadcasted by MTA on 12 March, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba presided over Virtual Amila Meetings with Majlis Ansarullah Australia and Majlis...
Sadr Sahib wanted to use the 1997 Wimbledon Championships as a means of promoting to an audience which he had never previously targeted. Huzooraba said that...
Dear Sir, As you are aware, MKA UK has been covering the security shifts for Islamabad (whilst adhering to social distancing guidelines). Before the pandemic, these...
When looking at the Arab Spring, demonstrators protested on multiple issues: poverty, oppressive leaders, corruption and lack of freedoms, to name just a few. Across the...
In order for God to manifest Himself, He requires His creation. Does this not contradict His attribute of Independence?
The Ahmadiyya Muslim community is fortunate that it is guided by Khilafat. However, the blessings of Khilafat are not only for Ahmadi Muslims but those who...
The world was a very different place 104 years ago. By 28th December 1916, the Great War had entered its 884th day. The Ottoman Empire’s power...
Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih V (aba) wrote letters to world leaders - what guidance did Huzoor (aba) offer?